Bright Smiles Dentistry Blog

Dental DNA: Can Bad Teeth Really Run in the Family?

October 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 1:18 pm
A family smiling for a portrait

The subject of your family tree and all the traits that were passed down to you can be a wonderful topic of discussion. From hair color and height to the way your hair parts could be traced back through your genetics. But what about your dental health? Many people wonder if the condition of their teeth might also be influenced by genetic makeup.

If you’re curious about the concept of “bad teeth” running in the family, continue reading. You may be surprised to learn the truth about dental trait inheritance.


Is a Dog’s Mouth Cleaner Than a Human’s Mouth?

September 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 12:37 am

Dachshund laying on white sofaJust thinking about bacteria might make you cringe, but it’s essential for your oral health. Your mouth is home to hundreds of bacteria species, but not all are beneficial. Brushing and flossing keep bacteria growth under control, so you might think your mouth is pretty clean. However, you’ve probably heard “A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth.” Here are the facts behind this common expression.


Your Dentist Never Puts These Objects in Their Mouth and Neither Should You

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 10:15 pm
Smiling dentist

Like everyone else, dentists have to put things in their mouths in order to eat and drink. The thing that makes dentists special here is that they know a lot more about what they should and shouldn’t have in there. Many people have a habit of chewing or sucking on certain objects, but having the wrong things in the mouth can lead to painful dental emergencies. Read on to learn why dentists avoid having these objects in their mouths and why you should too.


Boost Your Confidence by Replacing Your Missing Teeth with Dental Implants!

July 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 6:30 pm
Woman smiles while swimming.

People judge others by their smiles, and missing teeth can leave one anxious and lacking confidence in both the social and professional worlds. To make matters worse, missing teeth can also make speaking and eating difficult. The good news is that there is an alternative to going through life with a suboptimal smile. By mimicking natural teeth and being fixed in place within the mouth, dental implants can restore confidence and give a new edge in social circles or even the job search.


Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?

June 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 11:06 pm
patient wondering if dental implants can get cavities

Are you considering dental implants to fill in gaps in your beam? Dental implants are an effective and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth and preventing further oral health issues, but it’s essential to understand their unique characteristics and how they differ from natural teeth when it comes to cavities. Continue reading as we explore whether dental implants are susceptible to cavities as well as provide insights into how to maintain your new and improved beam.


What to Put in a Dental Emergency Kit

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 11:28 pm
pink cotton swabs on gray background

Dealing with dental emergencies, such as a cracked tooth, a lost filling, or a sudden toothache, can be challenging. To be prepared for unexpected situations, it is crucial to have the necessary items in your emergency dental kit. Having the right tools and supplies readily available can help alleviate discomfort and address immediate dental issues. Continue reading to discover the essential items you should keep in your emergency dental kit.


3 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund to Better Your Smile

April 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 8:53 pm
patient talking to their dentist

April is nearly over, which means that everyone’s least favorite day of the year—tax day—has come and gone. However, people’s tax refunds are on their way, and you can use that money on things that you might have been putting off for a while.

If you’re looking for the best way to spend your tax refund, you might consider investing it into your smile! Here are a few ways that dentistry can turn that money into a smile you can be happy with.


Are Toothpicks Hazardous for My Smile?

March 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 8:51 pm
a person holding a toothpick

You’ve probably experienced a moment in your life when you had something stuck between your teeth. This happens to everyone, and one way that people sometimes go about addressing the issue is by using a toothpick to dislodge the debris. But despite their namesake, did you know that toothpicks actually pose a threat to your oral health? Here’s more about some of the dangers of using toothpicks, along with some healthy and safe alternatives that your emergency dentist wants you to consider instead.


4 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Veneers

February 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 10:07 pm
a patient visiting their dentist for veneers

Veneers are one of the hottest cosmetic dental treatments around; they’re fully capable of transforming a compromised set of teeth into a radiant and dazzling smile. And although they can last for up to 20 years with proper care, sometimes they can sustain damage to the point of needing to be replaced. Here are four obvious signs that’s time to visit your cosmetic dentist to have yours swapped out for new ones.


4 Issues That Hinder Implant Treatment

January 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — brightsmilesbfld @ 12:43 pm
A dentist explaining dental implants in Brookfield to an out-of-focus patient

Given their effects, you may want dental implants in Brookfield. That’s only natural — such prosthetic teeth are great at filling out smiles! Even so, you should probably confirm you qualify for them first. Your future restorations might not work out otherwise, something that’d be a waste of time and money. Luckily, your local dental practice can help you with that process. Here, then, are four issues that hinder implant surgery and the ways to resolve them.

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